Just in case you've been living under a rock since 2006, Disney Pixar Cars is an animated feature film that tells the story of a fast living race car named Lightening McQueen who learns about the true meaning of friendship and family in a small desert town called Radiator Springs.
Grandparents old enough to remember and history buffs will recognize that much of the desert landscaping and kitschy details of the Cars movie echos back to the famed Route 66. Picar animators were inspired by this asphalt piece of Americana. Route 66 is one of the most famous roads in America. One of our our first highways, construction started back in the 1920's. It stretches for 2,448 miles from the city of Chicago , through the states of Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona finally ending in Los Angeles, California.
The Cars section at the Art of Animation Resort brings this movie to life. This section of the property is made to look just like the town of Radiator springs from the movie. Kids of all ages will enjoy photo ops with life size replicas of all their beloved characters while staying in themed rooms tricked out with garage style details.
The Main centerpiece of the Cars section at the Art of Animation is a pool surrounded by teepees. These teepees are actually poolside cabanas offering families a fun escape from the bright Florida sunshine. They are a replica of the Cozy Cone Motel depicted in the Cars movie. Cute right?...but did you know this motel wasn't created in the mind of Disney and Pixar animatores. It really exists and still does today.
Following Wolrd War II, Americans bought cars and discovered the idea of a family road trip. Back then it was called "auto camping". A man named Frank Redford saw the need for family friendly accommodations, had a great love for Indian culture and brought these two ideas into reality. The Wigwam Motel has nineteen 30 foot tall teepees made from wood, concrete and stucco. Each offer a comfortable bed, ensuite bathroom, an outdoor BBQ and a kidney shapped pool that guests can share. Back then a stay at the Wigwam Motel was the ultimate themed family vacation experience much like the nearly 2000 themed rooms at the Art of Animation that welcomes today's modern families. I think Mr. Redford was on to something with his idea of themed hotel rooms for families!
If you have some really big Cars fans in your family then a stay at Disney's Art of Animation Cars section is perfect for you the next time you visit Walt Disney World. Perhaps it will inspire you to plan a future vacation to see Cars land at Disneyland. While you're in the neighborhood, you may also want to plan a visit to the Wigwam Motel to surround yourself with some real Americana and animation history.