Diswithkids Disney Blog

Where In The World Is Your Next Adventure By Disney

Sat, Jul 20, 2013 @ 11:10 AM / by Sally Black

Sally Black

Adventures By Disney To say that we are excited about our upcoming Live Webinar with Adventures by disney on Aug 1st would be an understatement.

Let's be honest, as a travel agent these are my favorite kind of trips to book for my families.  Sure, I enjoy booking the parks for people and sharing their excitment. A relaxing cruise or family beach vacation is always fun. Still, I have the heart of an adventurer. Personally I love nothing better than getting out and exploring new places, new cultures and making new friends. I truly love creating these types of adventures for my clients.

In preparation for our webinar, I have the Adventures By Disney brochure and their New 2014 Tours Flyer sitting right on my desk. Each morning when I arrive at my desk with my morning cup of tea, I find myself immediately drawn to it.  While listening to on-hold muzak, waiting to  to confirm a trip for my clients, I find myself flipping thru it and dreaming.

Over the years I've been fortunate to have visited many of the Adventures By Disney Destinations. Some of these journies have been as a learning experience to better serve my families. Other adventures have been purely to satisfy my wandering heart.  Still with plenty of places left to explore, I too continue to dream.

I understand how difficult it is for many of my clients to make vacation destination decisions.  As a traveler too, I feel the exact same way.  So little vacation time and SO MANY AMAZING places to visit.  We travel agents are no different when it comes to planning our own family vacations. It's hard for us to make decisions too...

 -Maybe we finally should go to Venice, a place I've always yearned to visit...If we're already heading to Venice it would be easy to see Greece with a 12 Day Mediterranean cruise

-OR maybe we should cruise to the Galapagos Islands so that we can see all the amazing animals that call Ecuador

-OR MAYBE now is the time to visit Australia, take the time and see it right

- 2014 will be our 15th wedding anniversary, maybe we should take the family back to Scotland were we spent our honeymoon?

-Then again my son and I have always dreamed of visiting Ankgor Wat and exploring South East Asia

Decisions, Decisions!!!!

Sometimes availability will help govern your decision making.  If you have specific travel dates, only certain tours may be offered during that timeframe.  This will help a decision for you.

If it is a celebration vacation for certain family members, like an anniversary or pre-college bound trip with a teen, that may help make your decision making a little easier.

If you are still faced with too many choices you may do what our family has done in the past to solve vacation decisions.  Write each vacation choice on a piece of paper and have each family member toss a quarter over their shoulder and leave the choice to fate.

How do you decide on vacation destinations?.....

Topics: family vacations, Disney Vacations

Sally Black

Written by Sally Black

Sally is the Founder of Vacationkids.com Travel Agency and author of the book "Fearless Family Vacations". She is also the Director of Travel Agent Initiatives and Training at The Family Travel Association.

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