Not so fast!
Honestly, much of the time and money you've invested to this point will be wasted if you don't follow through. You need to figure out a day to day itinerary for the time you'll be spending in the parks. Having a park schedule can mean the difference between waiting in long lines or filling your days with twice as much fun.
At Vacationkids, part of our free service that we give to our clients is our customize park itineraries. We spend time with each of our families and create personalized plans that are age appropriate to for their kids and fulfill their main Disney Vacation wish lists. People always ask how we do this. So here's a peak at how we get the magic started....
1. Plan ahead - We say planning a vacation is just like planning a family, you need to start working about 9 months in advance. This is especially true when it comes to getting the most out of your Disney experience. If it's been a while since your last visit or you're new to Disney get your hands on a really good guide book. We like the "Unofficial Guides". Do some homework and learn about rules and tools like height restrictions, Fast passes, Child swaps and extra magic hours if you're staying on sight at a Disney Resort.
2. You WILL need Energy - And PLENTY of it! Disney offers hundreds of dining choices to please every palate. In addition family meals can become memorable experiences with everything from Character meals, to Castle dinners to romantic dinners for two. Many guests are surprised when they realize just how small many of these Disney dining venues are in real life. Space is limited so that guests can enjoy an intimate and magical experience. This is why you MUST make advanced reservations as soon as they become available 180 days in advance. Again we normally take care of these reservations for our clients but guests are free to call (407) 939-3463. Space for popular character meals, shows and castle dining can sell out at break neck speed. If you do not want to disappoint your little princess who has her heart set on eating in Cinderella's castle then please, make the call!
3. Surrender and Set Priorities -IMPORTANT reality check! - Repeat after me 10 times..." You will NOT be able to see and do everything in one Disney vacation." Great! now you can relax and ENJOY your vacation by focusing on fun. Disney World is one of those vacations where a little less means a LOT more fun and memories. Everywhere you turn there are magical moments and impromtu entertainers. If you don't allow yourself the time and freedome to enjoy these magical moment, you'll miss half the fun. This is not the time to turn into a parental Disney commando units hell bent on minute to minute time checks....not fun!
Each and every guest that visits Disney World will come with their own set idea of fun things to do and see...Attractions they must see, Characters they must meet, Experiences they must have. Communication is key here to avoiding disappointments.
We suggest a family meeting and let everyone create their very own Disney Wish List. If you're trying to surprise your kids, you can have fun being a bit sneaky and still get this important job done. Number each wish on your list according to it's importance and set your priorities.
Now it's time to compare everyone's lists and start putting the puzzle pieces together. With your dining reservations in hand, we normally get to work. We check park hours for your travel dates, attraction closures etc to start mapping out your days in the park. If this is a celebration vacation for a particular family member then they get the priority. If this trip is all about the kids, then we know their wishes come first. If this is a family reunion, we mix and mingle to make everyone's wishes come true.
Generally the rule of thumb is to plan on completing 5 "Must See" events per day while fitting as many other wishes in as humanly possible. You're off to the park with printed and email schedules outlining your days. You have all your maps in hand, you know exactly what to do and where to go. The families who decided that they "don't need no stinkin' plan for Disney World" will be the ones directly in your way, wandering aimlessly, arguing with glazed looks in their eyes and cranky, crying kids. You will be able to pick them out immediately.
Please, don't be "those" people!
It's usually best to get an early start to the day. We suggest arriving at the park 1/2 hour prior to "rope drop"...that's when the park opens. You'll be AMAZED at how much you can see and do while others are just waking up. This allows for a midday break, whether it's a nap back at your resort, a dip in the pool or a leisurely lunch. Remember, Disney is often a test of energy and endurance so having a chance to recharge everyone's batteries is often a good idea.
If you're thinking..."This is WAY too much work for a Vacation" please know there are suggested, pre-set Disney touring plans available for those who want to make it simple. Our friends at touring plans have plenty of "one size fits all" options for several different scenarios like the ages of your kids, romantic trips etc.
4. Flexibility - Even if you head off the Disney World with the most perfect, best made plans, "stuff" happens. It's raining buckets, You didn't hear the alarm, You arrived to the attraction right on time but it's broke and won't be running for at least 30 minutes which throws your whole schedule off...Now what?
Well, Disney has an app for that - My Disney Experience. Simply download it to your smart phone and you will be able to adjust your itinerary and make informed changes right on the spot. You'll have info like wait times, fast pass times, show & event times, even restaurant menus all right at your fingertips.
5. Marco....POLO - With so many AMAZING things to see and do in Disney World, it is VERY easy to loose one another. Kids can easily get distracted and wander off. Just stopping to take a photo and the crowds can separate you from your group. Looking for lost family members is no fun and will certainly put a major kink into your daily itinerery fun. No parent needs this kind of stress and worry!
Make sure adults and older kids have their phones on and take the time to recharge batteries. Play a game and teach younger kids to memorize your cell phone number or use safety tats. Explain to little ones how to recognize Disney staff (aka called Cast members) and to go to them for help if they get separated from you. Cast members are trained and know how to help.
Now you're FINALLY ready for all the Fun Disney has to offer!
Well done you!!!