Posting to all our social media accounts has become second nature. When we travel, it's important to remember to use it wisely. Here are a few social media safety tips to remember the next time you and the family are off on another vacation adventure:
1. Post any and all family vacation pics AFTER you return home!
2. If you're using social media looking for vacation planning advice DO NOT make any public comments about your travel dates. Ask if anyone has travel experience with a specific destination or reach out to a travel agent via direct message or email.
3. Comment carefully - especially in the days just prior to your getaway. Resist the temptation to "Like" that Disneyworld post and making comments like "one week from today we'll be watching the parade".
4. Avoid using public computers in hotels business centers. Generally hotels want your location to be advertised to your social media friends.
5.Check privacy settings and consider changing the privacy settings on your Icloud, Iphone and android devices.
6. Make your devices more secure with either tougher password or better yet, Two Step passworld Verification for your Iphone or android
7. Don't get tagged - turning this feature off is especially important when traveling with a larger group of friends and family. Enable the timeline review control so that you can approve these tags after you return home.
8. AVOID posting comments and pics to travel review sites or airline social media accounts until you return home. Sure it may feel good to rant or vent if you're not happy but you'll be more unhappy if someone cleans out your valuables back home.
9. If you have any professional family vacation pictures taken ASK about their privacy rules and usage of your email and social media information
10.MAKE SURE you have a candid discussion with teens and tweens about the privacy settings on their personal devices. They need to fully understand and comply rules about posting to social media while on family vacation. When they do get home and are ready to post pics to share with friends make sure these are the kind of pics they would be proud to show a future college recuiter or employer.