Hey Runners! Are you planning your race calendar for 2018? Let us help you plan your first (or next) destination race! What an excellent experience for yourself or the entire family to take your passion for your sport and combine it with an awesome vacation. it’s a great way to see a new city up close and sets a fun, energetic vibe for the vacation!
Carrie Woehler

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Vacations For Families That Like To Run
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Are Basic Economy Airline Tickets a Good Deal?
Oct 31, 2017 10:01:00 AM / by Carrie Woehler posted in Affordable Family Vacations
You're searching for flights for your family's vacation and you realize you can save some serious money by buying Basic Economy class tickets.
Family ski vacations in Europe... With a 4 year old
Oct 24, 2017 10:03:00 AM / by Carrie Woehler posted in Affordable Family Vacations, Family Vacation, family adventure vacation
Before kids, we took a ski vacation every year or so, and travelled to a smattering of places in the Rockies, from Park City to Lake Louise, and many places in between. We not experts, but we love the mountains, the snow and the adventure.